I was searching for a larger vintage tricycle for about 9 months. Something that was vintage and showed age but was not falling apart. My vision was to use it for Easter sessions. Although it can be used for so much more. I was not a fan of the color, which I believe was not the original color anyway. The wheels had a lot of over spray, and the color looked too new for something that was made in the 1920’s. Any way, my husband went to pick it up and as soon as he got it home I cleaned it up. I decided a beautiful seagrass paint color would do it so much more justice. So I took my time, two days total. I got everything tapped off as perfect as it could get. It took me two days to paint it. I did many very light coats. After removing the tape and softly removing some over spray spots from the wheels. This beauty is almost done. I plan to attach a basket like the 3rd picture. Maybe I’ll fill it with flowers, maybe I’ll photoshop little bunnies or chicks in it? The possibilities are endless. Needless to say it looks so fresh, clean, and almost new.