Christmas 2021

YAY! The time has come. So much to share. Please read before booking.

🌟Please remember to fill out your client agreement when booking. So I know who is who and I can prepare for number of models, age of models etc.

Christmas: ❤🎅🎄❄️

My 2021 Christmas sessions are now live on my website. Please do not hesitate to book. Once these sessions sell out I will not be able to add more dates or times. If you have any questions please reach out to me.

🎅Santa sessions. Please note these sessions are only 15 minutes long. If you have a little one that takes a little while to warm up, or your booking for more then 2 or 3 people. Please consider booking more then one time slot.

📸Sample Images:

I have had several inquiries from clients wanting to see sample images of my Christmas set ups. The back and floor drops have been ordered but I will not have them for 3-4 weeks. Once they are delivered I will be taking promo images. However I can assure you that these set ups will be in line with my style and you will not be disappointed. Please do not allow that to prevent you form booking. All of these set ups will be fabulous.

🎄Booking for my Christmas sessions will be different then it has been in previous years. You select a time and you can either pay half now and half 48 hours before your session or your welcome to pay all at once. If you would like to pay all at once just put two in your cart. Your time will then be sold out.

🍂Autumn Fields:

I am also offering my VIPs first access to book my styled Autumn sessions. My Autumn set up will be absolutely beautiful, and well worth the investment.


I will be providing wardrobe items. Between past years and what I have for this year I will have a lot of items available. Unfortunately I will not have something for everyone. It is not reasonable for me to buy all sizes for all set ups. A lot of what I have is very adjustable. I know this is a deal breaker for some of you and I apologize. I’m part of a small portion of local photographers who even offers wardrobe items. I pride myself for being able to offer my clients high quality garments. Something as simple as an outfit can make or break the feel of a session. If you are interested in using wardrobe items please make sure you contact me before your session to insure the items you want are available. Because of the ever lasting pandemic I want to make sure each items is properly sanitized between uses.